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Code of Conduct

These are the rules and regulations of the Summer School, which you must accept as a condition of you joining us in July or August. Any changes to these rules, or any other important regulations of the Summer School not detailed here, will be conveyed to students if and when they come into effect. Parents and students alike should take care to familiarize themselves with this document, as it contains guidance on the behaviour expected of individuals attending the Oxbridge International Summer School. This document may also be referred to as the Oxbridge International Summer School Rules and Regulations.


The Oxbridge International Summer School Code of Conduct is part of and supplemental to the Terms and Conditions. Where any provision of the Code of Conduct conflicts with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions take precedence.




On the day of their arrival at the summer school, students will receive a first-day briefing. This briefing will cover (but is not limited to) the following areas: our Attendance and Check-in Policy, the distribution of staff mobile numbers, the distribution of the Student Handbook, our Code of Conduct, and what to do in the case of illness. Students will also need to ensure at this stage that the contact details the Summer School has for them are up to date.




Students are permitted to leave the Oxbridge International Summer School premises unaccompanied during the free time they have during the day. By 1:30pm students must be back at the Summer School accommodation, and have been signed in for their individual research time by a staff member. During this time, students are welcome to go shopping, sightseeing, and buy lunch. However, this is allowed only on the condition that:


a)     Students are in groups of two or more

b)     Students take their (charged) mobile phone with them, along with the number of at least one Summer School staff member 


These conditions also apply to any free time on Summer School day trips.


In an exceptional case when you need to leave the campus on your own please ask a member of staff beforehand, letting them know where you are going and when you will be back.


Students are expected to remain on campus after dinner (or with the Summer School, if evening activities are scheduled to take place outside of the accommodation).  In the evening, students are forbidden from leaving the accommodation (or the location of an evening activity) unaccompanied by a staff member unless given specific permission from the Summer School Manager. 


2.1   Getting to classes

Students may be required to leave the Summer School accommodation unsupervised in order to commute to their tutorials, seminars, workshops, or other activities. In the case of tutorials taking place outside the accommodation, a staff member will accompany students to the tutorial location on the first day to ensure they know the route; on subsequent days, students will be expected to make their way to their tutorials unaccompanied in groups of two or more (although a member of staff will be available to escort students if requested). Students should be aware that tutors have been notified to contact the Summer School Manager if a student fails to arrive, or is late, for a tutorial.


2.2   Leaving accommodation with a parent or guardian

Students are permitted to leave the Summer School campus if accompanied by a parent or guardian, provided the Summer School receives sufficient notice (which we deem to be 24 hours), and provided that an Exeat Form is completed by the student’s parent or guardian.




The Oxbridge International Summer School is an academic programme and, therefore, students should treat work as their priority on the Summer School. Attendance at tutorials, afternoon seminars, and workshops is compulsory and any unexplained absences will be treated as serious disciplinary issues. We expect you to attend any additional meetings set by your tutor or staff, concerning your academic progress.


3.1   Tutorial Set Reading

Students are expected to complete all work and reading given to them by their tutors. If they are unable to do so, they should let a member of staff know as soon as possible before their next tutorial and we will discuss this with the relevant tutor(s).


3.2   Individual Research

The period of independent study should be recognized by all students and students will be expected to check in with a staff member before commencing their individual research. Students must spend this period working alone in their rooms, or another allocated working space; if the tutor gives permission, students may work in groups.


3.3   Plagiarism

Plagiarism is not acceptable on the Summer School. If you copy the work of another person, whether the author of a book or internet site or a fellow student, this will be treated as a disciplinary issue. As stated in Clause 3.2, students may work together if their tutor has given permission. The tutors will alert the Summer School Manager of any unexplained copying.


3.4   Reports

Students will receive a written report electronically at the end of the course. This should not be used as a reference without the permission of the Summer School and the tutor. If students do not agree with any part of their report, they should contact the Coordinator or the Dean.


3.5   Usage of mobile phones

Respect of our tutors, seminar leaders, and workshop leaders is asked of all students on the Summer School. To this end, students are forbidden from using mobile phones in tutorials, seminars, or workshops.





Students on the Oxbridge International Summer School participate in a variety of activities and excursions. On these trips it is important that students listen to all instructions given by staff members and respond to them quickly and without disruption.


4.1   Timekeeping and Attendance

It is vital that students are punctual in their attendance for all activities and excursions. Failure to arrive for activities in good time may result in having to cut them short or miss them altogether. All activities throughout the Summer School are compulsory for all students unless they are notified otherwise, or unless we receive express written consent from a parent or guardian exempting a student from a particular activity. Without notice from a parent or guardian, failure to attend any scheduled activities will be dealt with as a serious discipline issue. Continued lack of attendance may lead to a student being sent home.


4.2   In case of emergency

For all excursions, staff will ensure that students are made familiar with the area they will be visiting and provide them with contact details to use in the case of emergency. If students are separated from the group at any time, they should ring a member of staff before attempting to rejoin the group. Students should obey any instructions given so that they can be reunited with the group as soon as possible.


4.3   Behaviour on trips

Students should bear in mind that during activities and excursions, their behaviour and conduct reflects particularly strongly on the Oxbridge International Summer School. Oxbridge International Summer School thus requires that all students act in a respectful and considerate manner at all times when participating in these events. When involved in any activities run by external companies, students are also expected to abide by that company’s rules and safety precautions.




Throughout the day students will be expected to check in with a member of staff at the specified check-in times. It is important that students check in so that we know where they are, and can ensure their safety. If students do not check in, Summer School staff will look for them until their location has been ascertained and we are certain that they are safe.


5.1   Check-in times

Typically, students must check in with a member of staff by 8:30am for breakfast, 1:30pm before beginning their individual research, at the beginning of evening activities and before retiring for the night. Students should be aware that this schedule may vary slightly from day-to-day; in these cases, students will be informed of the new check-in times by staff, and be expected to adhere to them. Oxbridge International Summer School will also complete a register at the beginning of tutorials, seminars, and workshops. Failure to check in will be dealt with as a serious disciplinary issue.


5.2   Summer School Curfew

The curfew on the summer school is 11pm. At this time, we expect students to be inside their own staircase and to have checked in with the staff member on duty. Students should not be in another person’s room after curfew. Any student who leaves or attempts to leave the accommodation after dark will face disciplinary action.




6.1   Looking after belongings

Students are responsible for any personal belongings brought to the Summer School, including valuables. Students are welcome to leave any particularly valuable items in the Oxbridge International Summer School safe, but Oxbridge International Summer School is not responsible for any theft or damage to said items.


6.2   Room access

If Oxbridge International Summer School has reason to believe that a student has been or may be in breach of any of the summer school rules and regulations, as set out in this document or outlined to the student before or during the course, it reserves the right to enter the student’s room in the summer school accommodation and to search their possessions, in the presence of the student. This extends to the searching of possessions outside the student’s room.





Students are expected to behave in a courteous and respectful manner at all times on the Summer School. Repeated instances of rudeness, whether directed at tutors, staff, or fellow students, will result in disciplinary action.


7.1   Behaviour towards staff members

Students are not to contact staff by their mobile numbers (as provided in the Welcome Pack and at the first-day briefing) unless there is an emergency. If you need to contact a staff member regarding a non-urgent matter, students must contact the Summer School Manager, who will pass on the message. Students are also reminded that they should not add members of staff on Facebook, or attempt to communicate with them via any social media site; conversely, students must report to the Summer School Manager if a member of staff tries to contact them outside of the day-to-day running of the Summer School.


7.2   Behaviour towards other students

Oxbridge International Summer School aims to cultivate an environment in which all of its students feel comfortable, secure, and respected by fellow students. As such, students are reminded that the Summer School has a strict no-bullying policy; any kind of bullying, whether verbal, physical, or conducted via the internet or social media (‘cyber-bullying’), will not be tolerated. Any students who feel that they are being bullied by another student or students should notify a member of staff.


7.3   Equal opportunities

The Oxbridge International Summer School is committed to creating an environment which provides equality of opportunity and freedom from both direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, gender identity, marital status, disability, religious beliefs, age, or sexual orientation. If at any time during their stay on the Oxbridge International Summer School a student feels another student, tutor, or member of staff has discriminated against them on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, gender identity, marital status, disability, religious beliefs, age, or sexual orientation, then they should contact the Summer School Manager or Dean. They will all be happy to discuss in private any complaints, and will take the necessary steps to ensure discrimination does not continue.


If a student does act in a prejudiced manner, thus breaching the equal opportunity ethos of the Summer School, then said student will be formally warned about their behaviour and potentially asked to leave the Summer School.


7.4   Dress code

Although the Summer School does not impose any formal dress code, students are expected to dress appropriately.  In this context, inappropriate clothing would include (but is not limited to) the following: offensive language on clothing or revealing clothing.




Students should be aware that the Summer School requires high standards of behaviour from all students and that breaches of our Code of Conduct will be met with disciplinary action. Prohibited actions and behaviour will be brought to students’ attention verbally in the first-day briefing. However, the Summer School draws students’ particular attention to our Policies regarding the issues detailed in the following sub clauses.


8.1   Alcohol

The Oxbridge International Summer School has a zero-tolerance policy towards alcohol. Any student found to be committing or have committed the following actions will be subject to disciplinary action that will most likely result in dismissal from the summer school: drinking/consumption/possession of alcohol; purchase of alcohol; distribution/vending or attempted distribution or vending of alcohol; having bottles or any other containers which contain or have contained alcohol in their possession or custody, including but not limited to their personal effects or living area. 


8.2   Drugs

The Oxbridge International Summer School has a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs, Any student found to be committing or have committed the following actions will be subject to disciplinary action that will most likely result in dismissal from the summer school and may necessitate police involvement; use, possession, distribution/vending or attempted distribution or vending of illegal drugs; possession, custody, or control of paraphernalia connected to the manufacture or use of illegal drugs.


8.3   Smoking

According to UK law it is a criminal offence to sell cigarettes or any other form of tobacco to any person aged under 18 and it is a criminal offence to smoke in premises open to the public and in certain other places. As a result, the Oxbridge International Summer School has a zero-tolerance policy towards smoking. Any students found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action and risk being dismissed from the Summer School.


8.4   Sexual behaviour

Inappropriate sexual behaviour is not permitted by the Oxbridge International Summer School. Any inappropriate displays of affection between students are forbidden and students are prohibited from entering the room or staircase of a member of the opposite sex under any circumstances. 

8.5   Breaking UK Law

Students on the Oxbridge International Summer School are expected to obey UK law. Failure to do so will incur disciplinary action and may result in the student’s dismissal from the Summer School.




8.6   Violence

Violent behavior is not permitted by the Oxbridge International Summer School. Any violence perpetrated by a student will incur disciplinary action, and, depending on the severity of the incident, may result in the student’s dismissal from the Summer School.




Complaints can be raised verbally or in writing at any point during the summer school. Students may also speak to any member of staff at any time. All complaints will be reviewed by the staff team and dealt with as quickly as possible.

For minor complaints during the Summer School we will also have an anonymous comments box available to students. The box will be placed in the Common Room and will be checked on a daily basis.


All complaints against the Oxbridge International Summer School will be taken extremely seriously. All will be reviewed and acted upon by the Co-ordinator and Dean and, in serious cases, the Board.

You will receive a written response to the complaint as soon as it has been dealt with. You will have the opportunity to have the complaint reviewed if you do not feel that the response is sufficient.




Any facilities in use by the Summer School should be treated with care and respect. While staying in the accommodation provided by the Oxbridge International Summer School, students should abide by the policies of both the Summer School and the accommodation provider (Lincoln College), including the use of email and internet facilities, Health and Safety, and Data Protection.


Students should be aware that areas around the Oxbridge International Summer School accommodation are shared with other groups and also with university students and that noise should therefore be kept at an acceptable level at all times. Students should not try to access parts of the accommodation not used by the Summer School.


10.1   Rooms

Students are asked not to decorate their rooms beyond the use of notice boards. This includes putting up posters.  The rooms should also be kept tidy and litter free.


10.2   Keys

Students should make every effort not to lose or damage their room keys and access card. The accommodation provider will impose a fine on any student who does so, the cost of which will be borne by the student. If a student does lose their keys, they should let a member of staff know as soon as possible so that the card can be deactivated and the locks changed.




Safety of our students is of paramount importance to the Oxbridge International Summer School. To ensure that we can safeguard their welfare at all times, students are expected to always have their phone with them, turned on and charged, during the day, so that they can be contacted or contact others in case of an emergency. If students experience any difficulty when outside the Summer School campus, they should call the Summer School Manager or the Co-Ordinator who will be able to locate and help them. In tutorials, students are to keep their phones on silent and not use them except in the case of emergency, as outlined in Clause 3.5.


11.1   Emergency

In case of a serious emergency, such as an accident or fire, students should call 999, which will get them through to British Emergency Services. If no-one is in immediate danger, call the Summer School Manager immediately instead.


11.2    Illness

If you or a fellow student is taken ill, let the Summer School Manager know as soon as possible.


Healthcare for students on the Oxbridge International Summer School is provided by Oxford Private Medical Practice, an independent private general practice based in Summertown, Oxford. Should a student fall ill, we will arrange for them to see a doctor from this practice, either in Summertown or at the accommodation, depending on the nature of the illness. In cases of greater severity, we will take students to the nearest hospital in Oxford to seek treatment there. As per our Terms and Conditions, all medical expenses incurred by the student and paid by the Oxbridge International Summer School shall be reimbursed by the student.  In cases of minor illness or accident, treatment will be provided on site by the Summer School Manager, a qualified First Aider.